(888) 873-6570 info@paulsmiths.edu
The Secret Lives of Crayons

The Secret Lives of Crayons

By Joline Hall, VIC Summer Naturalist For most American families, the simple crayon is a staple item in kids’ bedrooms, playrooms, and throughout the house. Often, children learn to write their first “ABC” using a crayon of some kind. Crayons are regulars of...
The Humble Honey Bee

The Humble Honey Bee

By Jessi McCarty, VIC Summer Naturalist The Humble Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) The Paul Smith’s College Beekeeping club currently has an apiary of four hives at the Osgood Farm site. The club started in 2016 with the help of professors Deb Naybor, Bethany Garretson and...
To Find the Elder’s Grove

To Find the Elder’s Grove

By Jesse Rock, VIC Summer Naturalist   It was in an early morning dendrology class that I had first heard of the legendary grove of white pines (Pinus strobus) known as the Elder’s Grove. To be fully honest, I initially took minimal interest as I had seen large...
Boardwalk Discoveries

Boardwalk Discoveries

By Katrina Relyea, VIC Summer Naturalist   Ever since I walked across my first boardwalk at a conservancy near my childhood home, I have been in love with these structures. However, none elicit as thrilling a joy as a boardwalk over a swamp or bog. I was...