Kevin Shea

The Return of the Light

Suddenly, the lights flashed on, beating back the darkness. Hundreds of faces were now visible; each contorted into glee as applause thundered throughout the concert hall…

Who Are You Voting For?

Blame for the condition of our country is often directed towards those who are in power. This year, however, a greater blame and responsibility should be laid upon the shoulders of the citizens of the United States…


The nightwatchers had driven by only two times so far, but Jerald had been fortunate enough that both times he was next to an alley. Crouched behind a trash can he watched as the black car slowly crept by…


The only thing louder than the screams were the explosions. Shards of rock flew from every direction; one struck the man’s leg. The chaos was shrouded in a blanket of dust.

The Point of No Return

A shift in the gender ratio might seem like a truly unique experience for a college to go through, but as I thought about it more, it occurred to me, might we be going through a similar shift right now?