Kevin Shea

A Summer to Forget- Part 2

When she was a counselor, they knew to wait until kids had entered college before placing any responsibility in their hands. At this age they were corrupt by the onslaught of hormones and the desire to be popular; such a combination was dangerous, but was it lethal?…

Keep It Clean

The mark the students have made on this area elicits a gag from visitors. How could an environmental school’s students degrade the innocence of a place they are taught to respect?

A Summer to Forget Part 1

The scuffle of sneakers on the path grew steadily louder. Both sides of the path provided possible exits: densely packed woods guarded his right, and the lake lay to his left; violent waves smacked the stones by his feet…

What Next?

With these newfound views and morals comes the need to defend them severely. Irrevocable words and phrases have been muttered, shouted, written, and typed in mass quantities. How unnecessary…