It begins  
with a cold, clear, high note,
reverberating through the senses.
At first it isn’t obvious…
a dampening of the sun’s warmth,
a grey sky that pales.
Until the dome above and ground below are
naught but one.
Then a breath crosses the land.
A cold sigh that brings a
knowing of extraordinary events.
Slowly – then all at once parts of the
existing world disappear as the,
Sky descends upon the land.
The high note is gone;
replaced by a deepening
Cold white feathers rain down from the heavens
collecting in neat drifts among earthly things;
the world is made clean.
A grey sky pales,
a dampening of the sun’s warmth…
at first it isn’t obvious.
Reverberating through the senses
with a cold, clear, high note
It ends.

 Rachel Serfilippi

Like so many others here, I come from a small town and a simple life; a life that allowed me the luxury to revel in the wild world.