Board of Trustees


Mr. Mark Dzwonczyk

Vice Chair
Mrs. Katherine H. Welling

Dr. Daniel Kelting (ex-officio, non-voting member)

Mr. Willard (Bill) Lipe, III ’84

Ms. Karen Regen-Baum ‘ 83

  • Mrs. Lisa Baron
  • Mr. David Blye, ’81
  • Mr. James B. Cantwell ’67
  • Mr. Paul F Ciminelli
  • Dr. James C Dawson, PhD
  • Mr. Bernard E. Gracy, Jr. ’24
  • Mr. Robert Kafin
  • Dr. Daniel (Rob) Mackenzie, MD
  • Mr. James McKenna
  • Charlotte Newbury ’24
  • Mr. Dan Palladino, ’94
  • Mr. Matthew Purcell, ’78 (ex-officio, Chair, Paul Smith’s College Alumni Association)
  • Mr. Kenneth Raymond, ’68
  • Dr. Elizabeth Thorndike, PhD

  • Governing Body: They provide overall governance, not day-to-day management, which is handled by the college administration.
  • Policy Oversight: They set broad policies to guide the college’s operations and uphold its mission and values.
  • Advocacy: They advocate for the institution and its role in education, both locally and nationally.

  • Strategic Direction:
    • Approve the college’s mission, vision, and long-term strategic plans.
    • Ensure the college adapts to changing educational, economic, and societal needs.
  • Financial Oversight:
    • Approve the annual budget and major financial decisions.
    • Oversee investments, endowment funds, and fundraising efforts.
    • Ensure financial stability and sustainability.
  • Academic Standards:
    • Approve significant academic programs, policies, and changes.
    • Monitor institutional accreditation and compliance with academic standards.
  • Hiring and Evaluation of Leadership:
    • Appoint and evaluate the college president or chancellor.
    • Support and hold leadership accountable for the institution’s success.
  • Fundraising and Development:
    • Assist in securing financial support from donors, alumni, and other stakeholders.
    • Ensure adequate resources for scholarships, infrastructure, and program development.
  • Campus and Community Relations:
    • Promote positive relationships between the college and its surrounding community.
    • Act as ambassadors for the institution.
  • Risk Management and Compliance:
    • Ensure the college complies with legal, ethical, and regulatory requirements.
    • Mitigate risks and protect the college’s reputation.
  • Oversight of Major Initiatives:
    • Approve significant projects like new campus facilities, partnerships, or mergers.
    • Review and support diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

  • The Board includes alumni, community leaders, business executives, and others with expertise relevant to higher education and Paul Smith’s College.
  • Members of the board serve on committees focused on specific areas like finance, academics, or governance.
  • Trustees are volunteers and serve limited terms, depending on the college’s bylaws.


  • Dr. Dan Kelting, President
  • Christine Plunkett, Chief Financial Officer
  • Kathy Bonavist, Executive VP Advancement & Enrollment
  • Zoë Smith, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives
  • Dr. Brett McLeod, Dean of Faculty
  • Dr. Jorie Favreau, Dean of Curriculum
  • Christine Brennan, Dean of Student Life

The Cabinet is a team of senior leaders at Paul Smith’s College that assists the president in decision-making and strategic planning. The cabinet members oversee the main academic and administrative functions of the college.

Together, they collaborate to develop policies, manage resources, and implement initiatives that align with Paul Smith’s College’s mission and goals. By providing diverse perspectives and expertise, the Cabinet plays a crucial role in ensuring the effective governance and advancement of the college.


The Cabinet’s purpose is to

1. To serve as the primary advisory body to the President of the College
2. To provide a communications link among the Deans, the Vice Presidents and the President