Spring 2025 Commencement

Paul Smith’s College will host the Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 10, 2025, at 11 a.m.  The ceremony will be held on the Great Lawn in between the Library and Student Center, off the shores of the lake.  By hosting this event outside, we will not have a limit to the number of guests each participating student may have.  Following the ceremony, a reception will be held for graduates and their guests offering light refreshments.

Should this event need to be held in the Saunders Sports Complex due to forecasted inclement weather there will be a limit of six (6) guests per participating student.  The Office of the President will determine at least 48 hours in advance if the event will need to move inside.  This announcement will be made via email to the campus community as well as on the college website.

A livestream of the event will also be available for those not able to join us in person. Livestream link coming soon!

Students participating in the Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony should arrive dressed for the ceremony to Pickett Hall at 10 a.m. the day of the ceremony for line up.
Name cards, honor and veteran cords will be distributed at this time.
Faculty and staff members will assist students with regalia as well as the line up.
Guests are welcome to arrive at 10 a.m. as well.  Staff members will be on hand to direct traffic for parking.

Students eligible to participate in the Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony will receive an email by February 14, 2025, with a link to the Graduation Questionnaire.

Eligible Students must complete this survey to participate in the commencement ceremony by Saturday, March 1, 2025.

If a student believes they are graduating in May 2025, but has not received this email by February 14, 2025, they should contact their Advisor and/or the Registrar’s Office.

Students participating in the Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony may pick up their cap and gown in the Alumni Office located in the Phelps Smith Administration Building Room 213 on April 1, 2, 3 & 4 between 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  If you are unable to stop by the office during these hours or are not on campus this semester, please contact Heather Tuttle Peria at 518-327-6253 or htuttle@paulsmiths.edu.

Commencement will be held at 11:00am on Saturday, May 10, 2025, on the Great Lawn along the shore of Lower St. Regis Lake.
Please arrive at least 60 minutes prior to assure time to park and walk to the ceremony.

Vans will circulate frequently between parking lots and the Great Lawn offering rides.
By hosting this event outside, we will not have a limit to the number of guests each participating student may have.  No tickets are required for admission, nor are there any limitation on the number of guests.

Following the ceremony, a reception will be held for graduates and their guests offering light refreshments.

Should this event need to be held in the Saunders Sports Complex due to forecasted inclement weather there will be a limit of six (6) guests per participating student.
The Office of the President will determine at least 48 hours in advance if the event will need to move inside.  This announcement will be made via email to the campus community as well as on the college website.

A livestream of the event will also be available for those not able to join us in person. Livestream link coming soon!

If anyone in your party needs assistance regarding building access, or special seating because of physical limitations, please contact Heather Tuttle Peria at least two weeks in advance, or as early as possible, at 518-327-6253 or htuttle@paulsmiths.edu.

Please note: We suggest that footwear be conservative considering that the ceremony will be held on the Great Lawn making footing uneven.

Please remember that pets are not permitted.
Appropriate service animals (dogs) are allowed but must be leashed and have a badge or other type of designation on them.

Paul Smith’s College is a tobacco-free campus.

Mylar balloons are not permitted.

We ask your assistance in determining, with your graduate, whether any financial obligations are still outstanding prior to graduation, and for them to schedule a visit with the Student Accounts Office to clear those pending transactions. Paul Smith’s College will cooperate in whatever manner necessary to assist you in these matters and suggests that foresight will best serve the graduation process.

Diplomas will not be distributed at the ceremony. They will be mailed; therefore, it is important to notify the Alumni Office with any necessary mailing updates by June 15, 2025.

Honors designations noted in the May Commencement program are based on the previous Fall semester grades.

Parking on campus can be a problem on Commencement Day.
Your cooperation is requested in using designated lots. Campus Safety Officers will direct you upon entry to campus.  Transportation will be provided from the parking areas to the site of the ceremony.

Grad Images will be on campus photographing each graduate and the President of the College as they receive a diploma case.  Graduates/Parents will receive a proof at a later date for possible purchase. There is no obligation to purchase photographs but do feel free to use this service. The company will contact your son or daughter by email with details.


Past Ceremony Links
Paul Smith’s College held the Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 11, 2024, at 11 a.m. on the Great Lawn.

A recording of the ceremony is available using the following link: Spring 2024 Commencement

Paul Smith’s College held the Winter Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, November 18, 2023, 11 a.m. in the Buxton Gymnasium.
A recording of the ceremony is available using the following link:  Winter 2023 Commencement 
Winter 2023 Commencement Photos by Brandy Clark.

Paul Smith’s College held the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony on Sunday, May 21, 11 a.m. in the Saunders Gymnasium.
A recording of the ceremony is available using the following link: Spring 2023 Commencement

Visit www.GradImages.com to view and purchase custom photo products like prints, plaques, specialty gifts, and more. If have any questions or concerns regarding your photos, please contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 261-2576, online at www.gradimages.com, or email ecc.giservice@gradimages.net.

Paul Smith’s College held the Winter 2022 Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, November 19, 2022, 11 a.m. in the Buxton Gymnasium.
A recording of the ceremony is available using the following link: Winter 2022 Commencement
Winter 2022 Commencement Photos by Kathleen Keck Photography

Paul Smith’s College held the Spring 2022 Commencement Ceremony was held on Saturday, May 7, 2022, 11 a.m. on the Great Lawn.
A recording of the ceremony is available using the following link: Spring 2022 Commencement Video 

Paul Smith’s College held the Winter 2021 Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, November 20, 2021 at The Gazebo.
Winter 2021 Commencement Video     Winter 2021 Commencement Photos by Kathleen Keck Photography     Even more Winter 2021 Commencement Photos

Paul Smith’s College held the Spring 2021 Commencement Ceremony on May 8, 2021 on the Great Lawn.  Spring 2021 Commencement Video

Our Spring 2020 and Fall 2020 graduates demonstrated remarkable persistence, creativity and spirit wrapping up their undergraduate experience at PSC.
We were not able to gather in person for traditional commencement ceremonies, but that didn’t stop our students, faculty and staff from honoring these special grads.
Catch the video of our livestream commencement ceremonies below.
Winter 2020 Commencement Video
Winter 2020 Commencement Photos

Spring 2020 Commencement Behind the Scenes
Spring 2020 Commencement Video

Behind the Scenes:  Commencement-In-A-Box

As part of the virtual commencement celebration, PSC grads received “commencement-in-a-box” with a mix of ceremonial items and ADK souvenirs.
This behind the scenes video shows all the people and places who made this possible. Lots of wonderful campus and local footage, too!